Michael Ignatieff, as Canadian as Apple Pie and also the current Liberal Leader, was been handpicked to be Canada's next Prime Minister. While Iggy has spent most of his adult life outside of Canada and has repeatedly referred to himself as an American he has been selected by Liberal Insiders as their choice for PM. One could be forgiven for immediately suspecting he was a great selection due to the simple fact that he is not Dion and he is also not Harper, subsequently, Liberal Back-Benchers feel he has a decided advantage over either of the latter.
Startlingly, this Liberal, as Liberal as Ann Coulter I'd say, has some very awkward positions regarding such things as Pre-Emptive War, Torture of Detainees and Indefinite Imprisonment. Iggy is a Hawk, a so called Liberal Hawk, chosen by our country's Liberal Elites as our next Prime Minister.
Research for yourself in regards to this man that wants to be Prime Minister. His history of opinions and writings is worth reading and will shed some light on this man who may become Prime Minister. I recommend you start with the New York Times, Iggy's many Op-Ed pieces for the NYTimes warrant a peek. His book "True Patriot Love" is a window into the "feelings" Iggy claims to have, although anything this man says about his feelings must be taken with a grain of salt due to this quote:
"Nothing is personal in politics, because politics is theater. It is part of the job to pretend to have emotions that you do not actually feel"
Micheal Ignatieff
New York Times Aug 5, 07