Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Perspective On Debt

The Canadian Government pays 84 Million Dollars a day in interest. Simply unacceptable. This is the equivalent of 3.5 Million Dollars an hour, some 60,000 a minute or 1,000 a second.
38 Loonies placed side by side makes a metre and the Earth's circumference is about 40 million metres this means 1.5 Billion Loonies, placed side by side, circles the globe. Therefore, Canada's National Debt, in Loonies placed side by side, would completely circle the Earth over 300 times.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Canada is not for sale

The Canadian Economy is now powered by Ecological Destruction.

The engine behind Canada's Economy is Ecological Destruction. The Canadian Government has oversaw the collapse of our Fisheries, the destruction of our forests and has allowed Corporations from outside our country to otherwise rape us of our natural resources. Who is benefiting from this?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Original projections indicated a deficit of over $34 Billion Dollars. Those were the days my friend as recent indications from the Canadian Government peg the "current" deficit at over $50 Billion Dollars. Worse yet, this number climbs with each passing day. It climbs further and further while our representatives in Ottawa do little but throw Taxpayer's money away in large quantities at 'solutions' that are nothing more than band-aids.

Ottawa is sorely lacking a genuine voice for smaller government. All the major parties wish to grow the size and scope of government with no opposition of merit. This situation must change.

Join a party that seeks to limit the unjustified growth in government corpulence we've witnessed in recent decades. A party that lacks a voice in Ottawa, a voice that is required in these trying times, a voice that actually represents Canadians.

Join the Libertarian Party of Canada

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stephen Harper - Is That Conservative?

Harper, as Leader of the Conservatives and Prime Minister of Canada, has lead us into deficit for the first time in eleven years. But, "we have to do what we have to do to protect Canada" says old Jimmy Flaherty as he steered our nation 85 Billion Dollars into the Red. "Our deficits will be large" but "as a country, we can afford it". Does this sound like Conservative Policy to you? Where has the Right gone in Canada? An 85 Billion Dollar Systemic Deficit forecast, some analysts say, to get worse further is not "Right" by any stretch.

Canadians lack proper representation from the Right and Ottawa is in dire need of more voices in order to properly represent all of it's people. Our slow migration towards a two party system must cease immediately or we as a nation face mirroring our neighbors to the south.

Join a Party that will help protect your rights, not actively seek to diminish those rights in favor of the collective. A Party that seeks to find it's way into Ottawa and help Canadians acquire that missing voice from the Right.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Michael Ignatieff - Whatever It Takes

Michael Ignatieff will do whatever it takes to become our next Prime Minister. After all, Ignatieff has been handpicked by Liberal Insiders as the Party's Messiah. Crowned Leader this month without a single ballot being cast, Iggy is poised to pull the plug on the Conservative's at a moment's notice. With pressure from powerful Grits such as Jean Chretien to call an election immediately due to what could be considered ample momentum, the new Leader finds himself maybe a few months away from 24 Sussex Drive.
But there may just be a snag in these most carefully crafted plans. Mr. Ignatieff has a history of taking some very strange positions on topics such as torture, imprisonment without charge, targeted assassinations and even pre-emptive war.
Iggy has spent a surprisingly large amount of his adult life away from Canada and has repeatedly referred to himself as an American. His support of Bush Jr and his now apparent fast friendship with Obama demonstrate that this Liberal Leader will do whatever is necessary to further his agenda.

Michael Ignatieff clearly demonstrates Psychopathic Tendencies, showing lies to be as easy to tell as the truth. A series of broken relationships and friendships can be seen in the wake of this man's path. Why would Canadians vote for this man?

With Michael Ignatieff, the ends justify the means.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Michael Ignatieff - Puppet PM?

Canada, is it time for an election?

Jean Chretien believes it is, "the sooner the better". (CP May 1, 2009)

After all, Liberal Back Benchers see this as their best opportunity in years. Chretien seems to believe the Liberals are in a "very good position to win". The economy is still sliding despite recent market blips, Swine Flu (H1N1) has been found in some Alberta Piggies and the Liberal Party of Canada have now bypassed their own normal Leader selection process (too democratic I hear) in favour of an appointed Messiah. Canada's First Puppet PM, Michael Ignatieff hopes to lead the disheveled Liberal Party back from the brink of irrelevance all the way to 24 Sussex Drive.

When Chretien gets his way and Iggy is revealed to be nothing but a puppet stop and think. Isn't it time for our great country to hear from a new voice? A Libertarian voice.

Join The Libertarian Party of Canada

Vote Libertarian

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who is Michael Ignatieff?

Michael Ignatieff, as Canadian as Apple Pie and also the current Liberal Leader, was been handpicked to be Canada's next Prime Minister. While Iggy has spent most of his adult life outside of Canada and has repeatedly referred to himself as an American he has been selected by Liberal Insiders as their choice for PM. One could be forgiven for immediately suspecting he was a great selection due to the simple fact that he is not Dion and he is also not Harper, subsequently, Liberal Back-Benchers feel he has a decided advantage over either of the latter.

Startlingly, this Liberal, as Liberal as Ann Coulter I'd say, has some very awkward positions regarding such things as Pre-Emptive War, Torture of Detainees and Indefinite Imprisonment. Iggy is a Hawk, a so called Liberal Hawk, chosen by our country's Liberal Elites as our next Prime Minister.

Research for yourself in regards to this man that wants to be Prime Minister. His history of opinions and writings is worth reading and will shed some light on this man who may become Prime Minister. I recommend you start with the New York Times, Iggy's many Op-Ed pieces for the NYTimes warrant a peek. His book "True Patriot Love" is a window into the "feelings" Iggy claims to have, although anything this man says about his feelings must be taken with a grain of salt due to this quote:
"Nothing is personal in politics, because politics is theater. It is part of the job to pretend to have emotions that you do not actually feel"
Micheal Ignatieff
New York Times Aug 5, 07

Friday, April 17, 2009

Pirate Bay Guilty

This is, of course, not my video. Credit to CNN and liberalbias100

Pirate Bay, while still up and running, has seen their Sysops found guilty of "Assisting in Copyright Infringement". This sets an awkward precedent as many ISPs are also guilty of enabling copyright infringement. One would expect the ambulance chasers to turn their attention to the ISPs now. This is where the situation will get very interesting.

BitTorrent technology is not illegal in and of it's self. It's what you do with it that makes it illegal. Much like a gun doesn't kill people, it requires an operator to make it work, therein it's people that kill people not guns. Just as it's not the sites that make file sharing work it's the people doing the sharing. Smith and Wesson as a Corporation was never charged with murder whenever one of their weapons is used in a murder.

It would appear that humanity doesn't learn the lessons of it's past as this situation is a carbon copy of many other law suits that center around new technologies such as Beta/VHS or even DC/AC. The courts simply do not have the technical knowledge required to deal with these issues yet they force their verdicts down our throats either way.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is a Libertarian?

What is a Libertarian?
A Libertarian believes we should be free to control our own lives.
That Canada needs to shift the power away from our centrally planned society.
And return that power back to the individual.

Libertarians believe we need to empower citizens.
In the defence of their rights.
In the defence of their lives.
In the defence of their property.
Not restrict them with red tape or legislate them away.
Libertarians feel government should act only as our servant and never as our master.

"The very concept of the individual is becoming obsolete."
Marilee Haylock - What is Libertarianism?

"I believe that totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph again."
George Orwell

1984 was not an instruction manual.

Join a party that puts your rights first!

Join the Libertarian Party of Canada.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Canadian Jobs Evaporate - Analysts say "Worst is yet to come"

357,000 Canadians have lost their jobs since October of last year and analysts predict the situation will only get worse. The large number of unemployed Canadians can expect competition for the few jobs available to only get more intense as their ranks are expected to swell by a further 20%. The unemployment rate, according to government numbers, has risen to over 8% and is expected to break the 10% mark before the situation starts to brighten.

Even the Economic Powerhouse of Alberta is suffering massive job losses and their provincial government recently announced their deficit for 2009 is rising fast as well. BC and Ontario are experiencing a similar slowdown of the overall economy with dramatic job losses of their own and excessive deficit spending.

Social Safety Nets such as Food Banks are seeing unprecedented increases in overall need. With numbers climbing faster than have ever been witnessed before. This is spawning a lack of general resources for these local Food Banks and an inability to meet the needs of their clients.

Government intervention is to blame here. The solution is not more intervention. The Free Market System would quickly, albeit painfully, rectify this ongoing depressive economic tailspin we find ourselves in. The Canadian Government and Governments around the world need to stop meddling with their respective economies with fix after fix, bailout after bailout and meanwhile racking up huge amounts of debt. The entire issue, as macro as it appears to be, is really not that hard to understand. It all boils down to intervention and the self-righteous expectation of these monstrous corporations, their ideologically socialist unions and the representatives we vote for who really don't represent anything other than what their party leadership tells them to. Should they fail to toe the party line they are swiftly dealt with as to serve as a lesson to the remaining MPs.

This type of politics must end in Canada. Representatives must be free to represent their constituents without fear of repercussions and without threats made to their status, position or party affiliation. A Member of Parliament must be allowed to dissent, A voter must be allowed to dissent, A citizen must be allowed to dissent. "It's what makes the system work" one might say.

Silenced dissent is not democratic and it's fails to serve anyone other than those in power.

The Libertarian Party of Canada

Canadian Liberal Convention 2009 Vancouver - Interesting Facts

Vancouver, BC - Liberals from all corners of our fine country will find their way to the beautiful city of Vancouver for the 2009 Canadian Liberal Convention. This year's convention looks to be as interesting as watching paint dry. With no leadership race, no policy workshops and an underwhelming attendance rate this Liberal Convention offers absolutely nothing of note.

Sure, these Liberal Tax Hounds will be espousing the virtues of a Carbon Tax or even a Cap and Trade System or better yet, maybe some sort of perverted mix of the two. And yes, of course, the minions will try everything in the playbook to attain a foothold in the West. They will as I understand, even look to expand the role of the various Human Rights Commissions in Canada that have already effectively crushed many of our Freedoms. But all told, if you failed to remember that the event was even coming up on the calender you wouldn't be alone. It would appear Canadians have good memories and will not be fooled by Canada's Liberal Party anytime soon.

The Canadian Liberals have a huge climb back from near desolation and Micheal Ignatieff's shoulders appear not up to the challenge. The proud history of the Liberal Party forming Government is a thing of the past as they quickly seek to fill the Leadership vacuum that has so ravaged the organization of late. Yet again, another Liberal Leader will fail to attain the title of Prime Minister, making it two in a row. A record for Canadian Politics I might add.

Micheal Ignatieff equals a Carbon Tax
Micheal Ignatieff equals a Cap and Trade System
Micheal Ignatieff equals More Liberal Waste

A Liberal Government would be an Economic Nightmare.

The Libertarian Party of Canada

Operation Hate - Canadian Government Posts Hate Speech Online

Do Government employees post hate speech online? Yes they do! Canadian Tax-Payers are footing the bill for this "rogue operation" which has already spawned hundreds of disgusting and hateful posts.

The state now encourages attacks on our freedoms from outside the courtroom via the various Human Rights Commissions throughout our fine country. With no true requirements related to evidence or burden of proof and with cases decided without an experienced Judge. However, when these Quasi-Judicial Rulings are filed in a Court of Law, they inherit the power of the Court. Failure to comply can and has resulted in jail sentences.

Canadian Human Rights Commission - An Abortion of Common Sense

One single person, Richard Warman, is responsible for the majority of all Human Rights Commission "Hate Speech" cases in Canada. In fact, Richard (Don't Sue Me Bro) Warman is making a pretty penny in all this, Tax Free I might add.

Ezra Levant explains this abortion of common sense singling out the key player behind this rogue "operation".

"The government pays people, to this day, to go online and act like Nazis"
Ezra Levant

"Freedom of speech is an American concept, so I dont give it any value." —Canadian Human Rights Investigator Dean Steacy, responding to the question "What value do you give freedom of speech when you investigate?"

Special Thanks to SDAMatt. I used SDAMatt's footage of Ezra Levant's interview on Micheal Coren's CTS program.

Libertarian Party of Canada

Back Down To Earth - A Canadian Government Shopping Spree

Deficit spending is now the norm for Canadian Governments. It's not even frowned upon anymore. Spend money that you don't have and pass on the debt to your grandchildren, it's now the Canadian Way it would appear. Doesn't seem like a Conservative policy really but it's our Conservative Government that's spending with one hand and cutting taxes with the other. This situation ensures our debt will now start to sky-rocket even before the first Baby-Boomers retire. Unfunded liabilities are ignored as money flies out to all corners of our fine country with the word "stimulus" tagged on, which seems to make the generational theft more palatable to the masses.

Canada is crying out for proper representation from the "Right". Our Conservative Government demonstrates it's self to be left of center when it counts most. Don't forget that it was a Conservative Government that introduced the GST and it's now a Conservative Government that's spending recklessly in order to remain in power.

The Libertarian Party of Canada

Prime Minister FAIL - a Stephen Harper Story

Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper makes some bold stock market predictions. Good thing for Canadians he's a Politician and not a Stock Broker. The first Prime Minister since Lester B. Pearson that is not in fact a Lawyer, but lo and behold he is instead an Economist, can you believe that?

Harper's statements in the video presented were made on October 5th, 2008. When the TSX was at 10,803.35 Within 5 days the TSX lost over 1700 points and this man is "allegedly" an economist! With a Master's Degree from the University of Calgary...

Vote Libertarian!

Vote for the Libertarian Party of Canada!

Every Single Canadian Owes $75,000 - Born into Debt

Canada's national debt is now growing exponentially. Unfunded liabilities such as CPP, OAS and Medicare have risen 25% since 2000. This situation is quickly getting out of hand. Debt levels are at historic highs. While each of our political parties trip over each other to spend more.

This must stop now!!!
Canada cannot continue to steal from her grandchildren.

Every newborn Canadian is given an important gift from the moment of birth. The gift of debt passed on by those before them. Over $75,000 of debt. (according to the Fraiser Institute's "Canadian Government Debt 2008 - A Guide to the Indebtedness of Canada and the Provinces) This puts the average family of four in debt over $300,000. Not for an education, a home or a business. No, they owe this massive debt because of decisions made by governments before them.

All the major parties are guilty, The Liberals, The NDP and The Conservatives, of increasing spending, of increasing government and of generational theft. Now is the time for real change. Now is the time for a new voice.

The Libertarian Party of Canada
"Government should act only as our servant and never as our master."